Importance of a Mobile-Friendly Website
Online users are swiftly turning to mobile devices for an enhanced and detailed search experience. This means that you need a mobile-friendly website for your business as most users now opt for a source that provide them with an ‘easy to use’ feature and more and more businesses now compete in the same facet. This used to be merely an option in the past where most web developers focussed on websites that were desktop friendly and spent numerous amounts of resources and time towards getting the perfect desktop savvy version. However, now it has become mandatory for all businesses to develop a website design that not only provides the users an ease to navigate using their desktops, but also through their mobile or tablets, to be accessed from any place and at any time. You need to ensure your website is designed for all different sized screens and should be user friendly amongst various other requirements.
What is a mobile-friendly website?
This is a website that has been formatted to display correctly on different sized screens from tablets to mobile phones. With the growing number of users turning to mobile devices, it is important that your website gives users a positive and easy experience within your website.
You need to ensure you have considered the following:
- Easy navigation around the website
- Large touch buttons
- Fast download speed
- Bigger text
- Content fits the page
- High demand mobile website

Mobile devices are now seen as the easiest way to access information. If people are always on the go, this is their best option. Especially in the example of fitness industry. Gymnasts and fitness lovers would be motivated by the next best option and would opt to choose from the options available to them while they’re on the go. Facebook ads for gyms work best as a re-marketing tool while user is just on the social media website for leisure purposes. This subconsciously affects the mind of the user and prompt them to join the gym due to their mobile-friendliness and because they marketed themselves in the most appropriate and distinctively required manner. It is necessary for you to stay smart and alert at a time where cut throat competition exists for the number of gyms that compete together within the same area. Hence the concept of marketing your digital fitness needs to be efficiently looked into for a competitive edge for your gym. If you don’t have a mobile-friendly website, then you run the risk of users becoming frustrated and look elsewhere for the product or service. Mobile devices exceed the search number on the desktop so around 60 percent of the internet traffic is seen to come from mobile devices. More money has been spent on mobile devices rather than desktops so having a mobile-friendly website will help you to reach more audience and bring in more profits by increasing your website engagement.

SEO improvement
Not only are mobile-friendly websites important to users but even Google cares about the proficiency of having a business mobile site. You can receive a penalty from Google if your website is not mobile-friendly and you may see a lower search rank on google search. The lower that your business ranks means that hardly any mobile users will notice your business first on a web page. The ranking given on the search engine like Google for your business is reflected from the efforts you’ve put into the SEO procedures for your website. A mobile-friendly site is one of the main requisites for the same and many businesses now prioritise their online visibility through mobile phones over any other required aspects.
Engaging and branding
Mobile users that see that a business offers a great mobile device experience will most likely return for more business. Consider the example of a real estate website. Of course, the main engagement of a real estate industry happens outside the digital space and through the direct inspection and search by the potential homeowners. However, to get to that point, a real estate website and the sale of properties online account for a significant proportion. Once a customer is happy with a company, they will very rarely deviate to that of your competitor. Most house hunters are on the go in their vehicle, driving around in the search of properties for sale. It becomes imperative in this case for them to have a mobile-friendly website they can access during the day, regardless of where they currently are positioned.
Mobile websites must have consistency and function properly so mobile users have trust for the company. Trust and accountability is created once the mobile-friendly websites can fulfil the demands of the customer.

The checklist for being mobile friendly
A mobile-friendly website means you need to take many things into thought like brand identity, visibility and inclusive user experience. In the process of developing a mobile-friendly website, it is important to ensure that the brand identity of your business does not remain vague or ambiguous. You wouldn’t want the user to have an ease of access and not understand what your business proposition is. Follow the checklist to create a mobile-friendly website and be the confident business owner you have dreamed of.
- Pages need to load within three seconds
- Easy to read content
- Is your website easy to navigate?
- If the website wasn’t yours would you spend time on it?
- Is the main aim of the website shown and easy to locate?
As tech is growing, the fact remains that everyone is growing with it. People are using mobile devices more and more for various reasons and the old desktop is fading out gradually. In order to maintain and grow your business and keep bringing in new customers and more profit, you need to apply every mobile-friendly feature you can to ensure your website is device friendly and will be increasingly used by users on the go who yearn for easy to use and quick to access businesses online.